Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Joy of Reading: Deep Ministry in a Shallow World by Chap Clark and Kara E. Powell

Deep Ministry in a Shallow World by Chap Clark and Kara E. Powell is a book I both wanted to read and needed to read for the course I’m helping teach this semester. In the book Kara and Chap offer the “deep process” for taking a youth ministry to the next level. They begin by addressing why the church is consistently stuck in the shallow end, the theological kiddie pool, if you will. Kara stresses the importance of conversations, relationships, and genuine care over conversions and, dare I say it, religious manipulation. The first chapter lays out many solution pitfalls of youth ministries that realize they are failing. Kara points out that many churches try “More of the Same” (14), something that “Worked for a Friend” (16), and follow what “The Book Said” (17).

She is so right.

Often churches realize they need change and instead implement more of what they already have and call it something new! Or, we hear that our friend down the street is doing x and it’s working great so we assume it will work for us too; however, too often we get jealous of our friends successful ministries and instead of celebrating their successes we wallow in our failures. As ministers we must do better about that! Finally, we are all guilty of reading a great book with great programs, ideas, concepts, and ministry plans and trying to steal its ideas. Never mind the fact that the book was about a multi-million dollar mega-church with a $200,000 youth budget, 500 students, 15 support staff, in the middle of Los Angeles and we work off a $2000 budget, have twelve students, no support staff, and are located in the middle of nowhere. We need to get real. We need to realistically address our situation and take what we have and make it all God expects, desires, and calls our ministry to be.

The whole book is about a “plan” to take ministries from shallow to deep. Kara and Chap suggest that we follow four steps (25):

1. Now--discernment
2. New--reflection
3. Who--observation
4. How--application

They address the plan in accordance to discipleship, assets, mentoring, parents, communication/teaching, missions, worship, and expectations. Along the way they offer suggestions, examples, and possible pitfalls. This book is an all around asset to youth ministry! I really enjoyed reading it.

Buy Deep Ministry in a Shallow World by Chap Clark and Kara E. Powell


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