Thursday, July 15, 2010

Recreating Plan B in 30 Seconds

Something we had been planning and preparing for almost disappeared in an instant...with a phone call...from financial aid.  Now, anyone who has attended college most likely has their own financial aid horror story, (not sure why this department at colleges around the world always have the most problems...but we'll save this for another day) but this call completely put us into panic mode.

Megan had called, at first just seeking information.  When the phone call was returned, she was told that she was not eligible for not just a scholarship, but also for federal loans.  The whole premise of us even being able to go is based on the half-tuition scholarship she received.  So needless to say, she panicked. 

While trying to straighten this out as quick as we could, we immediately began to see what we could piece together of our PLAN B... Could I still get my old job back? Would we still try to buy the house we were looking at? What about Megan's work?  We've sacrificed so much to take this next step in our lives.  It seemed extra cruel that it was suddenly, two weeks away from the big move, being ripped away from us.

Everything ended up working out.  Megan was able to talk with one of her future professors, who assured her that she DID have the scholarship and it was simply an error on Financial Aid's part. 

Why do we do this though? As soon as one thing changed, we panicked, instead of trusting God that whatever the outcome, His will would be done.  We are taking a huge leap of faith in making this move, and yet, something as small as this, and we instantly try to feel like we have to step in and intervene.

It reminds me of the story of Jesus walking on the water.  In the story, Peter wants to walk out to where his master is.  I think too often that we interpret the story to say that Peter lost confidence in Jesus, and that is why he started to sink... but I don't think this is the case.  I think Peter lost confidence in himself.

Over the next couple of weeks, and through the next few years, Megan and I are going to have to keep in mind and have the assurance that God is in control, and have the confidence in our faith to not doubt His will for our lives.

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